Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hova !

So. There's this girl I know, she's the director of pr for the Italian division of a famous music/entertainment network, right?

We work together on a project and afterwards she tells me she's so happy with the result she's gonna invite me to one of their concerts, "next time you're in Italy".

Next thing you know I get to Italy, right? And "a promise is a promise" so she calls me and invites me to this concert, "but who's playing?" I ask. She doesn't know. In hindsight I think she prolly just wanted to suprise me.

I figure it has to be someone at least mildly interesting considering the concert is going down on the grounds of the new, titanic Milan's Fair and is co-sponsored by a famous brand of sodas...

But holy shit. Who would have thought. And look, I'm with security, two feet from the stage. And there's this 16yrs old boy behind me who's crying his eyes out.

And the Man is UN-believable.

Please... can I get an encore?

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