Wednesday, July 05, 2006


No matter what happens on Sunday, last night was memorable.

Team Italia can make you miserable one minute and ecstatic the minute after and then miserable all over again but right now I got 2Gs for my boys. "G" as in "grazie" and "grandi".

No matter what happens on Sunday, they proved they still got game. We got game. VAI ITALIA (and "go" also to my American and British and South African friends who are rooting for us: honorary Italians, so damn cool!)

1 comment:

pookalu said...

all i could think of when i watched the game was OHMYGOD THEY MUST ALL BE FREAKING OUT cuz i was jumping up and down in the brit and the milanese's apartment all by my lonesome screaming with those last minute overtime goals. textbook perfect, i say.