Tuesday, April 11, 2006

the case of neko & emotional physics

You're not supposed to totally know what's happening. The songs are supposed to give you clues so you can fill in the blanks. I don't know if I'm good at this or not, but I try.
The record (Fox confessor brings the flood) is about losing your faith. No matter how much you lose your faith, whether it be in humanity, in your country or in your best friend, there's still always a little atom of faith left somehow. It's like not being able to destroy matter-- it's about physics! [laughs] Emotional physics! Mind physics!

Neko Case, by Ryan Dombal for Pitchfork

Just throwing out an impromptu poll here and I hope you will answer, my friends: how many atoms of faith do YOU have left?


pookalu said...

none. i don't know if i ever had any atoms of faith in me.

ducati said...

you know that's NOT true. c'mon ragazza! I know for instance you have faith in
- me
- (some) Science
- peanut butter and malomars